Welcome to Bikurishita Anime!


Having collected all of my tapes from various sources, both digital and SVHS, we have the highest quality tapes on the net!! Amazing isn't it? But it's true. From many true otaku donations and the sort, we are able to distribute from SVHS, Digital CD and soon DVD format!

We also have shonen-ai / yaoi fansubs and anime. They are all subtitled and master / 1st generations! They are located in the fansub list section^^

And we do all this in a simple low price of $6 per VHS tape, SVHS and CD are $8 each. We are not new to this game and we've been playing this for a long, long, long time now! Over 5 years in August!

So, if you've been looking for the coolest titles and the best quality cause your search is now over! Bikurishita ne!